WK3tools is an accessory software application for keyers based upon the Winkey3 IC which can run in standalone mode, not connected to a host PC. Commands and messages can be entered on the paddles but this can be tedious and prone to error. WK3tools allows you to configure all the settings quickly and easily via an intuitive Windows application. Just connect your WK3 keyer to a PC comm port and you can read current settings, modify them, and write them back. In addition you can can save settings to a disk file to maintain a set of configurations that can be loaded depending on operating scenario. Message loading is a breeze, even embedded commands can be included easily and then tested. Note this tool should only be used to edit standalone settings and mesages. You should NOT use this an application to control a WK3 keyer in host mode. You need to use WK3demo for that.
WK3tools Features
- WinKeyer3 Only
- Standalone Settings Only
- Read Current Configuration
- Save Configuration to Disk
- Copy Configuration from Disk to WK2
- Message Editor with Test
- Message Memory Remaining Display
- Total control over all WK3 Standalone Settings
- Speed Pot Status Readout
- Comm Port Selection
- Serial or USB operation
- Firmware upgrade
WK3tools - Winkeyer Standalone Editor for WK3.1
Copyright 2000-2019 - K1EL Systems LLC
Older version for Pre 3.1 WK
WK 30 (3.0) use the link below