The K-ID2 chip is designed expressly for dedicated beacon or CW identifier applications. It is very flexible and has the advantage of a very large message storage bank (512 bytes) which is non-volatile. Embedded delays and key down events are supported along with QRSS operation.
It is implemented in a 12F629 flash based PIC which supports ultra low power operation. We offer a PC board and parts kit that will help you get a beacon going with minimal effort. Note the PC board is designed to support both the 8 pin KID2 and also the 14 pin KID3 which will be available December 2017.
K-ID2 Features
- Seven triggerable messages stored in non-volatile memory
- PTT output: high true TTL
- Key output: high true TTL
- Sidetone: approx. 800 Hz square wave
- Single trigger or repeat message
- Timed keydown can be included in messages
- Timed pause can be included in messages
- Lowfer QRSS speed support (.02, .04, .2, .4 WPM)
- Operating voltage 5 VDC < 5ma
- No external crystal or oscillator required
- 512 character total message space
- Fixed non QRSS WPM rate
- Low power sleep when idle
- Fixed message contents specified by purchaser
K-ID2 CW Beacon IC and Kit
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